En raison de la hausse du commerce mondial, la question du recouvrement international des créances ne peut être évitée.


La saisie conservatoire est un recours accordé en vertu du Code des Procédures Civiles d’Exécution n° 2004 [dite "PCE"] que les personnes physiques ou morales peuvent solliciter pour leurs créances monétaires. Il a pour effet de « geler » les biens du débiteur et de permettre au créancier / demandeur de procéder à une saisie conservatoire, qui peut néanmoins se transformer en saisie définitive, à la fin d’une procédure judiciaire.


Aralık 2021’de kaleme aldığımız yazımızda belirttiğimiz üzere, 2004 sayılı İcra İflas Kanunu’nda [“İİK”] yapılan 24 Kasım 2021 tarihli değişikle, haczedilen malların satışının tamamen elektronik ortamda yapılması düzenlenmişti. Ancak, söz konusu uygulamanın yürürlüğe konulacak yönetmelikten sonra başlayacağı öngörülmüştü.


The expected regulation was published in the Official Gazette no. 31772 on March 8, 2022, and entered into force on the same date with the title “Regulation on the Procedure of Electronic Sales Pursuant to the Bankruptcy and Enforcement Code” [the “Regulation”].


09.06.2021 tarihinde kabul edilen, 19.06.2021 ihdas ve yürürlük tarihli ve 31516 sayılı Resmî Gazete’de yayınlanan “7327 Sayılı İcra ve İflâs Kanunu ile Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun” [“Kanun”] ile 2004 sayılı İcra ve İflas Kanunu’nda [“İİK”] birtakım değişiklikler yapılmış olup bu değişiklikler aşağıda bilgilerinize sunulmaktadır.

İİK’nın “Malların paraya çevrilmesi usulü” Başlıklı 241. Maddesinde Yapılan Değişiklik 


On June 19, 2021, the Law No. 7327 Amending the Execution and Bankruptcy Law and Some Other Laws [“Amendment Law”] was published in the Official Gazette, and accordingly, significant amendments have been introduced to the Execution and Bankruptcy Law [“EBL”]. This client alert aims to outline these amendments. 

Amendment to Article 241 of the EBL titled "Procedures of realization of assets" 


In the ordinary course of commercial life, “bankruptcy” may be inevitable for financially distressed companies. In such case, the question arises with respect to the status of receivables from the bankrupt entity and how they will be collected.

General Information on Bankruptcy


Interim attachment is a provisional remedy under the Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law No. 2004 [ the “EBL” ] which individuals or legal entities can request for their monetary claims. Thanks to this institution, the debtor’s assets could be frozen to secure due yet unsecured debts, and as a result, the debtor would be forced to pay its debt. 

3 [three] conditions must be in place to get an interim attachment – these are: 

1- A monetary claim must be in question
